Thursday, July 30, 2009

My version of Holi-year

Who doesn't like travelling? i mean if you have enough $$$ and time permits, bet alot of us would like to hop on a plane / bus / train or a sampan to wherever you want to be straight away.

Wouldn't it be nice to be like a nomad, you know, travelling around freely across the grassland... or maybe like a ryonin back in Ancient Japan days, wandering across the whole country with a samurai sword...

been following Ringo's blog for a while. Not long ago, she has this piece of blog, titled "My Holiyear 2009", where basically she has been travelling (for work / leisure) abroad every single month so far in 2009. I know a lot of people will be admiring that, but then, as a matter of fact, it's rather tiring...

Anyhow, after went back to Malaysia to attend the wedding of the century in Malacca, in September / October, i will be having a mini-version of "Holi-year" of my own. Haha...

here it goes:

1) Within Hong Kong
2) Southern China - Shenzen most likely
3) Singapore! F1!
4) Osaka - Kyoto...maybe.

Will see ;) But one thing for sure is that after all these, i will be super broke.


Anonymous said...

enjoy ur Mini Holi-Year!! =)


Unknown said...

Thanks mate! We should plan a trip for UTSR mates...