why so? i asked. they would normally just say "i don't know, it just sound to long"
screw you. Like ZC rightly said so, if you can work like how i did for the past 2 years then you deserve this break. Darn right.
anyhow, long leave = no commitment to work = sleep in late and enjoy not doing anything but also = savings running low, then it will dries up sooner than you thought.
if you think landslide or tsunami is freaking fast and scary, wait till you see how fast my bank savings number drop. it's worse than the 32' Great Depression.
ok, so how's life back at home. in short. Great. as a matter of fact, i found back my life!
my phone hardly ring in a day when i was back in HK, now, it's functioning like how it used to be.
what else. not to mention those good food around and great lads to hang out with. nice.
'though it's only two years, but i see the vast changes in my mates. wow. finally boys have turned to men and all are buying / bought houses + cars + getting married. Nice.
and yeah. Entourage is freaking awesome. I know im late into the game, but it's never too late for any series ;)
2 years of lost time. that's the amount of time to be recovered by me. Hello Life ;)